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HP Lovecraft

H.P. Lovecraft


Unimaginably powerful horrors from one or more other dimensions. They are described as alien monsters that existed long before this world. Old Ones can enter the dimension, but they are not supposed to and do so with the risk of upsetting other factions. Great Old Ones cannot enter the dimmension unless a 'Chosen One' has prepared the way for them. They still plot and plan and try to take over this dimension.

The Old Ones have many forms of magic, occasionally their magic is shared with human followers in order for them to further the Old Ones agenda. It is understood that the power of Necromancy, or raising the dead, is a magic given by the Old Ones. Or it can only be employed by invoking the Old Ones[1].

Great Old Ones[]


A depiction of Cthulu.


A great old one that resides in the ocean. Its head resembles an octopus and on it there are many feelers and tentacles. The body of Cthulu is rubbery with hands and feet that end in sharp claws and large wings protruding from its back. Cthulu is sleeping but will awaken if summoned.

Dread Overlord[]

Dread Overloard

An artist's depiction of the Dread Overlord.

The Dread Overlord is a Great Old One that is worshipped by the Condition. It lives in an alternate dimension and is the size of a mountain. Its true name causes madness and pain when spoken, as does its voice[1]. Owen Pitt and Agent Franks kill the Dread Overlord using one of Isaac Newton's Ward Stones.

Servants of Old Ones[]


Alan Pollack's depiction of a Burrower.


Also known as 'diggers' these Old Ones look similar to "robot scarecrows". They are large, emancipated and have eyeless faces with lop-sided mouths. Their skin hangs loosely on their body, looking almost like tattered clothing, and their arms end in metal scoops with three claws extending from them. Burrowers are poisonous, their 'slime' acts as a nerve agent[2]. As their name suggests, they are primarily used to dig or burrow and they restore their strength when they burrow in the earth.

Deep Ones

A depiction of a Deep One.

Deep Ones[]

Deep Ones are described as humanoid-looking fish. They have arms and legs like humans but their hand and feet are webbed. Instead of a human head their head are those of a fish but with incredibly sharp teeth. They are typically blueish and covered in scales[3].

Deep Ones are said to be clever and they are incredibly dangerous. They move fast and can scale the side of a ship or wall with little effort. Deep Ones often lay eggs in their victims. According to legend, Deep Ones are servants of Cthulu.


A depiction of a scout Elder Thing by Shane Braithwaite.

Elder Things[]

The orange-insectoid demons encountered by MHI at the Christmas Party, Natchy Bottom and the Nightmare Realm are suspected to be forms of Elder Things, servants of the Old Ones[1]. There are two known forms of Elder Things, scouts and soldiers.


A depiction of a soldier Elder Thing by Shane Braithwaite.


Scouts are roughly six feet in size and are insectoid with multiple limbs. They are more drones and use their jaws and claws to work and fight their enemies, as directed by the Old Ones.


These Elder Things are deadly and designed to be as lethal as possible by the Old Ones. The soldiers have a large spike on their back, this spike can be used as a projectile and be launched into their enemies. The spikes are poisonous and the soldiers also use their jaws and claws to rip into their victims.



A depiction of a Shoggoth.

Shoggoths are slaves of the Old Ones. They are vicious and terrifying. Shoggoths are usually unintelligent, characterless, killing machines, they are described by the Mad Arab as being so horrible and hideous as to, “invite horror and the suffering of infinite madness, within tombs of blackness where the innocent are devoured for eternity"[4].

Shoggoths have the appearance of a black, formless mass with many tentacles and eyes covering its body.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Monster Hunter International
  2. Monster Hunter Alpha
  3. Monster Hunter Siege
  4. Lovecraft, Howard P. (1985) [1931]. "At the Mountains of Madness". In S. T. Joshi (ed.). At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels (7th corrected printing ed.). Sauk City, WI: Arkham House.